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9:35 a.m. - Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2022
Sometimes my hope for the human race as a whole is completely lost. People just plain suck. The ones that have risen above their own bullshit is way too low of a percentage. I am trying so DAMN. HARD! To be a good, loving, caring, open, considerate, vulnerable and respectful person. While at the same time trying to take care of myself. AND IT FEELS LIKE NOT ONE PERSON APPRECIATES THE EFFORT I MAKE! Instead of saying "thank you for letting me know how you feel, let me see how we can make this work for all involved." I get completely misunderstood and attacked. Told that they will just step back because the just can't get hurt. NO FUCKING SHIT, I DON'T WANT TO GET HURT EITHER! I DON'T WANT TO HURT ANYONE BUT HEY TRYING NOT TO GET FUCKED OVER EITHER! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE! I mean fucking read my words as they are, don't assume I am not saying exactly what I mean. I wasn't beating around the GODDAMNED FUCKING BUSH! I said exactly what I meant and exactly how I felt, STOP PUTTING FUCKING MEANING IN WHAT I SAID THAT I DIDN'T MEAN! I DIDN'T SAY IT DON'T ASSUME I MEANT TO. I am trying to learn the FUCKING lesson, make it make FUCKING sense then! I am changing my patterns, I am asking questions, I am being upfront and honest. WHAT! THE! FUCK! ELSE! CAN! I DO! I MEAN FUCKING REALLY!


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